Salt App 应用

SALT - Watermark, resize & add text to photos
Salt App
SALT APP MAKES IT EASY FOR BUSINESSES TOTAKE PHOTOS WHILE AUTOMATICALLY ADDING THEIR LOGO, WATERMARK ORTEXTADD TEXT TO PHOTOSEasily add text to photos, and choose your font out of a verity offree fonts - handwriting fonts, fancy fonts, girly fonts, stylishfonts and many other cool fontsCROP AND RESIZE PHOTOSResize and crop photos in a wide verity of sizes: 1:1, 3:4, 4:3,9:16, 16:9, Facebook Ads, Facebook Cover, Facebook Page Post,Pinterest Ads & Youtube ArtTELL PEOPLE WHO YOU AREAdding your logo or watermark & text to the photos you share onsocial media will help potential customers easily recognize you andbecome loyal customersHELP PEOPLE CONNECT WITH YOUAdding contact details to your photos will help people reach out toyou. Easily add your website, phone number, email or any otherdetail to your photosPROTECT YOUR PHOTOSAutomatically mark all your photos with a unique watermark. Thiswill prevent illegal miss-use of your photosEasily get great brand awareness throughout all socialnetworksMake your day to day activity count by connecting people to yourproducts and experiences. For the first time ever, you can easilyadd your logo and brand to any photo you take, and instantly sharethem on social media.Help potential customers easily find youSocial networks are a jungle. Millions of pictures and productscontinually flood the minds of users across the web. Make it easyfor potential customers to find you and buy your products. Add yourwebsite, email, phone number or any other details to your photos,and make this a no brainer for them.Want us to feature you on Instagram? just follow @salt_app, and wewill chose the best photos to feature.The future is here... - There is way more to come, and you can helpus shape it! Have an idea for a cool feature? submit it toinfo@saltapp.meIf you encounter any issues, or want to share your feedback andideas, just contact us at,Follow us on Facebook - us on Instagram -